Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Free Online Sale Training - How to Find the Best

Luke a new assistant sales manager said to me with a big smile the other day, “I have my team of five salespeople getting online sales training for free everyday.”

I was cautiously impressed and asked him what online training resource was he using. After examining the site he was using I asked him how his salespeople like it.

He hesitated and then said in a frustrated tone, “They don’t really like it at all.”
I could understand his salespeople’s reaction. It was more a site about selling marketing products sprinkled with a few selling tips.

Not all sales training sites are created equal

Time is money in sales and wasting it on poor quality free online sale training sites costs salespeople and companies money.

It is also true that a good high quality fee or free online sales training site can help make salespeople a lot more money.

How to identify a top online sales training site to improve your selling skills

If you want a good quality online training resource in sales look for the following three things.

  1. The Author - What are the credentials of the person giving the sales advice? How long have they sold for and how successful have they been. Also, how much sales training experience do they have? Being able to sell and being able to train are two different skills sets. And one does not always guarantee the other is present.
  2. The Advice - Is the sales advise just a bunch of recycled articles with general common sense ideas? Or is it original content from the author that gives you specific practical selling tools? Also, is it presented in a fun and interesting way that you will enjoy reading?
  3. The Frequency - How often is the site updated with new sales training material? Some sites are built then forgotten. Other sites offer fresh updated material with daily or weekly mini lesions you can have emailed to you and your sales team.

Your smart sales training approach

Getting quality sales training online is a smart way to supplement your other training. A big advantage online training offers is the convenience of fitting around even the busiest salesperson's often crazy schedules.

If you are not using a free online sale training program give one a try and see how it impacts your income.

David Nassief sales training coach invites you to improve your sales with the free report “Selling Secrets of Top 5% Earning Salespeople” David’s site is

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